Auckland – Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will set a world first opening Techweek on Monday as she will attend as a hologram.
The prime minister will be the world’s first national leader to undertake an official engagement as a hologram, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller said today.
Techweek is a major nationwide annual tech festival of more than 500 tech and innovation events held across 36 towns and cities around the country.
“It will look like the PM is at the opening, but it will actually just be a projection – #holoPM. While this technology is still very new, it is exciting to see how fast tech like this is developing in New Zealand and to see the government understand the importance of tech for New Zealand,” Muller says.
Techweek is being driven by NZTech, the non-government organisation that has built up 20 national tech associations and their 700 plus members, including almost all major tech brands, as well as banks, universities, government agencies and large corporations like Fonterra and Air New Zealand.
Technology is New Zealand’s fastest growing industry and third biggest export sector.
For further information contact Make Lemonade editor-in-chief Kip Brook on 0275 030188
Photo: Graeme Muller