Signs of recovery; most Kiwis want borders closed

Christchurch – Concerns surrounding the economy and unemployment skyrocketed to unprecedented heights in May 2020 in response to the covid-19 pandemic, according to national research company Ipsos. While economy and unemployment are among the top three issues facing New Zealanders, there are some signs of improvement, with the economy dropping seven

Auckland water crisis may cause infections

Auckland - The Waikato River Authority is asking Local Government minister Nanaia Mahuta to launch an independent inquiry into how Auckland's water crisis has come about. Scientist Sir Ray Avery says the government should look into the operational and board management of Watercare (Auckland) as a matter of urgent priority. Crown spokesperson Dylan

Great news for NZ gyms, exercise facilities – survey  

Christchurch - New Zealand gyms and exercise facilities have reached about 85 to 90 percent of pre-covid levels, an ExerciseNZ survey has found. The amazing bounce back efforts by exercise professionals, gyms and facilities includes numbers of people participating in activity, revenue and new sales. Most positive of all is the new membership

No covid testing on arrival: a major flaw

Christchurch - The Minister of Health Dr David Clark and microbiologist Siouxsie Wiles have defended the government’s decision not to covid screen for all passengers arriving into New Zealand. Pharmaceutical scientist Sir Ray Avery says this decision is just plain dumb and he wants all passengers to be required to clip

DHBs – dismal health boards?

Auckland - Two years ago, Heather Simpson, ex-Prime Minister Helen Clark's chief of staff, was tasked with leading a massive review into the New Zealand health and disability sector, with pretty much every aspect of it on the table. The report was released yesterday and  the biggest proposals for changes related to

New Kiwi cloud tool Movebot a huge game-changer

Christchurch - A new Christchurch tech company has designed a New Zealand-first game-changing cloud migration tool, Movebot, which can shift massive amounts of data, a bit like moving a house or an office, safely and quickly. Movebot, was conceived during the covid-19 lockdown, helping businesses, organisations and people move their data to

NZ not driving hard enough for digital health transformation – NZHIT

Auckland - New Zealand’s leading digital health organisation, NZ Health IT (NZHIT), today pleaded to the government to urgently take action on recommendations in the Simpson report released yesterday. NZHIT chief executive Scott Arrol says he is pleased the report, on the future of health in New Zealand, has captured most of