Auckland - NZ Health IT (NZHIT) has launched a national digital health jobs board to help organisations and people looking for work during lockdown. This move is to support member organisations (employers) and people (candidates) looking for work during the COVID-19 pandemic, NZHIT chief executive Scott Arrol says. “We just want to support
Content written and released to the media by Make Lemonade.
80 percent of NZ trainers and exercise facilities operating online
Christchurch - Eighty percent of trainers and exercise facilities in New Zealand are now operating online during the coronavirus lockdown, ExerciseNZ chief executive Richard Beddie estimates. Some clubs have comprehensive systems such as Les Mills and CityFitness while smaller exercise, pilates and yoga businesses have up to 60 classes in their online
Amazing switch to NZ virtual healthcare during covid-19 work lockdown
Auckland - Into the second week of coronavirus lockdown, New Zealand’s primary care doctors, nurses and staff are putting in an amazing effort to switch to phone and online health consultations in such a very short timeframe, a leading New Zealand IT health expert says. GP clinics across the country have moved
Alcohol and cigarettes can be delivered but not exercise equipment
Christchurch - Leading New Zealand exercise expert is extremely disappointed that alcohol and cigarettes can be delivered to people by courier because they are ‘essential’ and for their welfare, whereas exercise equipment isn’t essential, so can’t be delivered even if someone is working from a home business. ExerciseNZ chief executive says exercise
Lock-down day one: exercise never more important
Christchurch - Most of New Zealand is closed down today in the grip of the covid-19 pandemic but exercise has never been more important in the country’s history, ExerciseNZ chief executive Richard Beddie says. “One thing Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has stressed in recent days it is still okay for Kiwis
GPs should be paid for virtual health consultation during COVID-19
Christchurch - The government must immediately assist the urgent uptake of virtual healthcare services by paying GPs for every video consultation they undertake during the coronavirus pandemic, NZ Health IT (NZHIT) chief executive Scott Arrol says. He says unprecedented measures need to be taken as New Zealand is on the verge of
What a difference a week makes in the pandemic world
NZ trainers preparing for government’s third stage
Christchurch - Many New Zealand personal fitness trainers are looking at online delivery and preparing for government’s stage three alert level of the coronavirus, ExerciseNZ chief executive Richard Beddie says. Beddie is self-isolating for 14 days after an overseas trip but is in constant contact with exercise providers around New Zealand and