New trade deal will boost NZ tech companies, Muller says

Auckland - The New Zealand, Singapore and Chile digital economy partnership deal signed today will significantly help Kiwi companies grow their digital trade, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says. Digital trade is growing rapidly in New Zealand and worldwide, Muller says. “Technology is the fastest growing sector in New Zealand and digital trade

Exercise top sport in New Zealand, but too many Kiwis overweight

Christchurch - Kiwis must become more physically active in 2020 because losing weight and getting fit are still one of the top new year’s resolutions people aim for, Exercise New Zealand Richard Beddie says. While January is traditional a time for people to decide to start into new activities to feel better,

The four-day week discussion in NZ about to accelerate

Auckland - The four-day week discussion will accelerate this year and a number of Kiwi companies are looking to pilot the concept. The initiative was created by Andrew Barnes and Charlotte Lockhart at Perpetual Guardian. Evidence shows very clearly how chasing productivity is good for the business. Maybe more importantly, being able to

NZ striving to create an inclusive digital identity environment

Wellington - Aotearoa New Zealand has a golden opportunity, now at the start of a new decade, to demonstrate a truly inclusive digital identity environment, Digital Identity New Zealand (DINZ) executive director Andrew Weaver says. Such is New Zealand’s progress, Weaver says he is already seeing interest in what is being

 NZ losing millions from cyber crimes

Auckland - Potentially the biggest tech issue New Zealanders will confront next year, will be the growing impact of fake news and an inability to discern real from fake, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says. With massive increases in scams and phishing, criminals are benefiting from Kiwis’ cyber ambivalence, stealing more than

Finalists named for 2020 UK New Zealander of the year

London - London fund-raisers of the Christchurch Shootings, Tania Bearsley and Jarred Christmas, are the two finalists for the prestigious UK New Zealander of the Year 2020. The New Zealand Society UK has just released their names in London. Bearsley organised the vigil, Stand for Solidarity with New Zealand, at Trafalgar Square, bringing

NZ ranked one of Asia Pacific’s fastest emerging fintech hubs

Auckland - New Zealand has been ranked one of Asia Pacific’s fastest emerging fintech hubs and one of the top 10 fintech destinations in the region, FintechNZ general manager James Brown says. Globally, New Zealand is ranked 45th in the first Global Fintech Index city rankings 2020 by Findexable which identifies

Trio of NZ business women leading AI in NZ

Wellington - Kiwi business women are leading the drive of one of New Zealand’s most significant technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), into 2020. The AI Forum of New Zealand has just appointed one of ANZ bank’s heads of technology, Megan Tapsell, as its chair, along with Simpson Grierson tech lawyer Louise Taylor as